In 2020, Reminded Mind Clinic expanded its offering to include studio classes.

Founders, Sally and Grant Harvey wanted to offer movement classes that focused on mindfulness and the strong mental health benefits of regular movement.

Their aim is to offer a space for anyone to experience one of our classes or workshops and walk out feeling better within themselves.

We offer body positive, mind wellness focused classes that provide a mental clearing and emotional release. Through continued practice clients develop tools to replenish their life, along with a strong, resilient, body.


We get it – studio & gym spaces, no matter how well intentioned they may be, can be extremely intimidating for a lot of people.

We get it – studio & gym spaces, no matter how well intentioned they may be, can be extremely intimidating for a lot of people.

Whether you’re aware of it or not, feeling intimidated in these spaces is often caused by the high focus on fixing the body. If you’re there to “fix” your body then that must mean there’s something wrong with your body, you compare your body with everyone else, and you may feel “less than” because of how your body looks or moves – let us be the first people to tell you that there is nothing wrong with your body (aka YOU) as it is right now.

Would you like to…

  • Take better care of yourself after years of putting everyone else first?
  • Have more energy?
  • Have more mental clarity and focus?
  • Reduce some of the aches and pains that come from being human in the modern world?
  • Release the physical and emotional tension that builds up in amongst the responsibilities of adulthood?

Sure. And there’s nothing wrong with any of the above.

But that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you exactly as you are now.

It’s time to renew your mind, replenish your energy and be reminded of who you are and the potential you have to live a life that is guided by your courage rather than your fears.


Every class.
Every time.
This is not about punishment.

‘Working’ something off that we are, pushing our limit because we ‘lost’ it this week, the ‘no pain no gain’ ideology. All crap!
Our bodies need to be nourished.

The punishment model is not how we get optimal results.

Sure, negative reinforcement is motivating- it’ll get you up and moving a few times. But in order to maintain that motivation, it needs to frame itself within fear. And doing anything from a place of fear is already setting us up to fail because fear goes hand in hand with guilt and shame and punishment, so we always have a sense of failure, that it wasn’t enough, that we didn’t do enough, in order to push harder next time.

Yeah, it’s motivating, but perpetuates itself – you’ll never be free of that fear, that guilt, that shame, and the pattern of having to punish yourself because you actually believe you deserve it.

If you choose to be motivated with the goal of nourishing yourself, here’s what happens, you make room to be nourished. It allows you to be aware of how you are feeling, what you need and that you deserve to meet those needs. You walk in honouring yourself and aware of where you’re at today, and walk out having validated and met yourself with nourishment.

It sets up optimal conditions for physical recovery, detoxification within your body, emotional regulation, stress release, a calm mind and renewed confidence. And results like that are far more motivating and sustainable.

There is so much psychology underpinning all we do at Reminded Move Studio.

There is so much psychology underpinning all we do at Reminded Movement Studio.

Classes with us may look similar to other shapes and moves you’ve seen elsewhere, but are framed at their foundations to support optimal mental health which is the only way to achieve optimal physical and emotional results.
And that is our definition of nourishment.


Move your body, move your mind.